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Jasper Report
Netbeans i-Report Plugin

Following are the steps for integrating jasper report with netbeans

First we integrate jasper reports some of the APIS with netbenas then we install i-report plugin for netbeans with in nnetbeans

integrating jasper reports some of the APIS with netbeans

Note: The directories and files in the procedures that follow are under the base JasperReports directory, named jasperreports-1.2.5 by default, in which the sources and bits reside.
  1. Start NetBeans.
    Important: Ensure that javac is on your PATH environment variable.
  2. Choose Tools > Library Manager to open the Library Manager dialog box.
  3. Click New Library and, in the New Library dialog box, type JasperReports-1.2.5 in the Library Name field. Choose Class Libraries from the Library Type drop-down list. Click OK. See Figure 1.  
    Figure 1: Creating a New Library
    Figure 1: Creating a New Library
  4. In the Classpath tab, add the jasperreports-1.2.5.jar file from the JasperReports dist directory and add the following five files from the lib directory:
    • commons-beanutils-1.5.jar
    • commons-collections-2.1.jar
    • commons-digester-1.7.jar
    • commons-logging-1.0.2.jar
    • commons-javaflow-20060411.jar

    Note: This example uses only a minimal number of JAR files. If you continue to use more advanced features of the JasperReports framework, you might need to add more JAR files to this new library entry.
  5. In the Sources tab, add the JasperReports src directory.
  6. In the Javadoc tab, add the JasperReports api directory, which is under docs.
  7. Click OK to close Library Manager.

Installing i-Report plugin for Netbeans

After downloading the plugin, follow the listed steps to install the plugin in NetBeans:
  1. Start the NetBeans IDE.
  2. Go to Tools | Plugins.
  3. Select the Downloaded tab.
  4. Press Add Plugins….
  5. iReport 3.7
  6. Select the plugin files. For iReport 3.7.0 the plugins are: iReport-3.7.0.nbmjasperreports-components-plugin-3.7.0.nbmjasperreportsextensions-plugin-3.7.0.nbm, and jasperserver-plugin-3.7.0.nbm. After opening the plugin files you will see the following screen:
  7. iReport 3.7
  8. Check the Install checkbox of ireport-designer, and press the Install button at the bottom of the window. The following screen will appear:
  9. iReport 3.7
  10. Press Next >, and accept the terms of the License Agreement.
  11. iReport 3.7
  12. If the Verify Certificate dialog box appears, click Continue.
  13. iReport 3.7
  14. Press Install, and wait for the installer to complete the installation.
  15. iReport 3.7
  16. After the installation is done, press Finish and close the Plugins dialog. If the IDE requests for a restart, then do it. Now the IDE is ready for creating reports.
iReport 3.7


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